Adult Education

Christian Education and Formation is a lifelong journey. Throughout the year, the Rector offers Adult Education and Christian Formation programs as announced.

Children’s Education

When parents and God-parents bring their children to be baptized, they promise that they will “see that this child is brought up in the Christian Faith and Life.” That means, firstly, that Christian Children should be brought up in a Christian Home, where the teachings and virtues of the Christian Faith are lived out, explained, and encouraged. This should be part of the Education of Christian Children in addition to participating in Sunday School.

At Holy Cross, we believe that Children should part of the whole Church family from the very beginning of their lives. We believe they shouldn’t be able to remember a time in their lives when God and the Church was not part of their life.

In order to accomplish these goals, we encourage parents to bring their children to Church for Services (they also make superb Acolytes!). Children’s education (in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, First Communion, and generally) is on offer by request and as announced.